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1.the company as notified under schedule I of the companies Act, 2013VOXTEL BROADBAND NETWORK PRIVATE LIMITED having company registration number is 172859 and its Corporate Identification Number(CIN) provided from MCA is U90009TS2023PTC172859. Private company incorporated with MCA on 9th May, 2023. VOXTEL BROADBAND NETWORK PRIVATE LIMITED is listed in the class of Private company and classified as Non-govt company. This company is registered at Registrar of Companies(ROC), RoC-Hyderabad  To Carry on the business of producing, acquiring, broadcasting and distribution of television and radio programs for entertainment through virtual boradcast, broadcasting, digital cable tv, and IPTV wireless broadband telecommunication network and by any other means of broadcasting subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the government. 
2. To install, operate, design, fabricate, purchase, sell, import, export, trade, engineer, assemble, service, repair, exploit or deal in audio, video and/or computer generated data signal broadcasting, data transfer, transmission, and or reception system/ networks or part thereof which may include ISP, Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Wi-Fi, Li-fi Network, satellite television channels, entertainment channels in all languages, informative channels, educative channels, microwave multichannel distribution system, fiber optic system, laser beam system, telephonic, personal cellular system, Data Transfer, transmission/reception, Dissembles, by utilizing, using, subscribing, hiring, chartering, renting, leasing or in any other manner exploiting satellite transponders, satellite transmission/reception, processing of audio, video and data communication for information/educational/
entertainment and other purposes. 
3. To act as wholesaler, retailer, agent, stockiest, distributor, franchise or other wise to deal in all sorts of items, systems, plants, machines, instruments, apparatus, appliances, devices, articles, or things of communications of different models, capacities, characteristics, applications and uses in all its branches and to carry out all the foregoing activities for components, parts, fittings, fixtures, accessories, tools, devices and system, connected thereto and to do all incidental acts and things necessary for the attainment of foregoing 
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